{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | /Human beings on our planet have, past and present, used a number of/
-- /languages. There are many reasons why one would want to identify the/
-- /language used when presenting or requesting information./
-- /The language of an information item or a user's language preferences often/
-- /need to be identified so that appropriate processing can be applied. For/
-- /example, the user's language preferences in a Web browser can be used to/
-- /select Web pages appropriately. Language information can also be used to/
-- /select among tools (such as dictionaries) to assist in the processing or/
-- /understanding of content in different languages.  Knowledge about the/
-- /particular language used by some piece of information content might be useful/
-- /or even required by some types of processing, for example, spell-checking,/
-- /computer-synthesized speech, Braille transcription, or high-quality print/
-- /renderings./
-- / - /<https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47>
module Data.BCP47
  ( BCP47
  , inits
  -- * Construction
  , mkLanguage
  , mkLocalized
  , fromText
  -- * Serialization
  , toText
  -- * Subtags
  -- | A language tag is composed from a sequence of one or more "subtags",
  -- each of which refines or narrows the range of language identified by
  -- the overall tag. Subtags, in turn, are a sequence of alphanumeric characters
  -- (letters and digits), distinguished and separated from other subtags in a tag
  -- by a hyphen ("-", [Unicode] U+002D).
  , toSubtags
  -- ** Language
  , ISO639_1
  , language
  , languageToText
  , languageFromText
  -- ** Language Extension
  , LanguageExtension
  , extendedLanguageSubtags
  , languageExtensionToText
  , languageExtensionFromText
  -- ** Language Script
  , Script
  , script
  , scriptToText
  , scriptFromText
  -- ** Region
  , Country
  , region
  , regionToText
  , regionFromText
  -- ** Variant
  , Variant
  , variants
  , variantToText
  , variantFromText
  -- ** Extension
  , Extension
  , extensions
  , extensionToText
  , extensionFromText
  -- ** Private Use
  , PrivateUse
  , privateUse
  , privateUseToText
  , privateUseFromText
  -- * For testing
  , en
  , es
  , sw
  , enGB
  , enUS
  , enTJP
  , enGBTJP

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Country (Country)
import Country.Identifier
  (unitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland, unitedStatesOfAmerica)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Arbitrary
  (Arbitrary, arbitrary, choose, elements, listOf, vectorOf)
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Extension
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Language
import Data.BCP47.Internal.LanguageExtension
import Data.BCP47.Internal.PrivateUse
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Region
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Script
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Subtags
import Data.BCP47.Internal.Variant
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.LanguageCodes (ISO639_1(EN, ES, SW))
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, eof, hidden, many, optional, parse, try)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (errorBundlePretty)

-- | A language tag
-- Language tags are used to help identify languages, whether spoken, written,
-- signed, or otherwise signaled, for the purpose of communication. This
-- includes constructed and artificial languages but excludes languages not
-- intended primarily for human communication, such as programming languages.
data BCP47
  = BCP47
  { language :: ISO639_1 -- ^ The language subtag
  , subtags :: Set Subtags
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Arbitrary BCP47 where
  arbitrary = BCP47 <$> elements [EN, ES] <*> specs
    oneOrNone f = choose (0, 1) >>= (`vectorOf` (f <$> arbitrary))
    manyOf f = listOf (f <$> arbitrary)
    regions = [minBound .. maxBound]
    specs = Set.fromList . mconcat <$> sequenceA
      [ manyOf SpecifyLanguageExtension
      , oneOrNone SpecifyScript
      , choose (0, 1) >>= (`vectorOf` (elements $ SpecifyRegion <$> regions))
      , manyOf SpecifyVariant
      , manyOf SpecifyExtension
      , oneOrNone SpecifyPrivateUse

instance Show BCP47 where
  show = T.unpack . toText

instance Read BCP47 where
  readsPrec _ s = case fromText $ T.pack s of
    Left _ -> []
    Right b -> [(b, "")]

instance ToJSON BCP47 where
  toEncoding = toEncoding . toText
  toJSON = toJSON . toText

instance FromJSON BCP47 where
  parseJSON = withText "BCP47" $ either (fail . unpack) pure . fromText

-- | Serialize @'BCP47'@ to @'Text'@
-- Subtags are serialized in the order described in the BCP 47 specification.
-- Private-use subtags only appear at the end prefixed with an x.
toText :: BCP47 -> Text
toText b = T.intercalate "-" $ mconcat
  [ [languageToText $ language b]
  , mapMaybe fromSubtags . Set.toList $ subtags b
  , if Set.null (privateUse b) then [] else ["x"]
  , map privateUseToText . Set.toList $ privateUse b
  fromSubtags = \case
    SpecifyLanguageExtension x -> Just $ languageExtensionToText x
    SpecifyScript x -> Just $ scriptToText x
    SpecifyRegion x -> Just $ regionToText x
    SpecifyVariant x -> Just $ variantToText x
    SpecifyExtension x -> Just $ extensionToText x
    SpecifyPrivateUse _ -> Nothing

-- | Look up all language extension subtags
extendedLanguageSubtags :: BCP47 -> Set LanguageExtension
extendedLanguageSubtags = asSet $ \case
  SpecifyLanguageExtension x -> Just x
  _otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Look up the script subtag
script :: BCP47 -> Maybe Script
script = headMay . mapMaybe f . Set.toList . subtags
  f = \case
    SpecifyScript x -> Just x
    _otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Look up the region subtag
region :: BCP47 -> Maybe Country
region = headMay . mapMaybe f . Set.toList . subtags
  f = \case
    SpecifyRegion x -> Just x
    _otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Look up all variant subtags
variants :: BCP47 -> Set Variant
variants = asSet $ \case
  SpecifyVariant x -> Just x
  _otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Look up all extension subtags
extensions :: BCP47 -> Set Extension
extensions = asSet $ \case
  SpecifyExtension x -> Just x
  _otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Look up all private use subtags
privateUse :: BCP47 -> Set PrivateUse
privateUse = asSet $ \case
  SpecifyPrivateUse x -> Just x
  _otherwise -> Nothing

asSet :: Ord a => (Subtags -> Maybe a) -> BCP47 -> Set a
asSet f = Set.fromList . mapMaybe f . Set.toList . subtags

headMay :: [x] -> Maybe x
headMay [] = Nothing
headMay (x : _) = Just x

-- | Convert tag to list of subtags
toSubtags :: BCP47 -> [Subtags]
toSubtags tag = toList $ subtags tag

-- | Produce a list of @(<= priority)@ language tags
-- >>> inits enGBTJP
-- [en,en-GB,en-GB-t-jp]
inits :: BCP47 -> [BCP47]
inits tag =
  map (BCP47 (language tag) . Set.fromList) . List.inits $ toSubtags tag

-- | Construct a simple language tag
mkLanguage :: ISO639_1 -> BCP47
mkLanguage lang = BCP47 lang mempty

-- | Construct a localized tag
mkLocalized :: ISO639_1 -> Country -> BCP47
mkLocalized lang locale = BCP47 lang . Set.singleton $ SpecifyRegion locale

-- | Parse a language tag from text
-- >>> fromText $ pack "en"
-- Right en
-- >>> fromText $ pack "de-CH"
-- Right de-CH
-- >>> fromText $ pack "ru-USR"
-- Left "fromText:1:3:\n  |\n1 | ru-USR\n  |   ^\nunexpected '-'\n"
-- >>> fromText $ pack "en-a-ccc-v-qqq-a-bbb"
-- Right en-a-bbb-a-ccc-v-qqq
-- >>> fromText $ pack "de-Latn-DE"
-- Right de-Latn-DE
-- >>> fromText $ pack "de-Latf-DE"
-- Right de-Latf-DE
-- >>> fromText $ pack "de-CH-1996"
-- Right de-CH-1996
-- >>> fromText $ pack "de-Deva"
-- Right de-Deva
-- >>> fromText $ pack "zh-Hant-CN-x-private1-private2"
-- Right zh-Hant-CN-x-private1-private2
-- >>> fromText $ pack "zh-Hant-CN-x-private1"
-- Right zh-Hant-CN-x-private1
-- >>> fromText $ pack "zh-Hant-CN"
-- Right zh-Hant-CN
-- >>> fromText $ pack "zh-Hant"
-- Right zh-Hant
-- >>> fromText $ pack "zh"
-- Right zh
fromText :: Text -> Either Text BCP47
fromText = first (pack . errorBundlePretty) . parse parser "fromText"

parser :: Parsec Void Text BCP47
parser = BCP47 <$> languageP <*> subtagsP <* hidden eof
  subtagsP = mconcat <$> sequenceA
    [ manyAsSet SpecifyLanguageExtension (try (char '-' *> languageExtensionP))
    , maybe mempty (Set.singleton . SpecifyScript)
      <$> (try (optional $ char '-' *> scriptP) <|> pure Nothing)
    , maybe mempty (Set.singleton . SpecifyRegion)
      <$> (try (optional $ char '-' *> regionP) <|> pure Nothing)
    , manyAsSet SpecifyVariant (try (char '-' *> variantP))
    , manyAsSet SpecifyExtension (try (char '-' *> extensionP))
    , Set.map SpecifyPrivateUse <$> (try (char '-' *> privateUseP) <|> mempty)

manyAsSet :: (Ord b, MonadPlus m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m (Set b)
manyAsSet f p = Set.fromList . map f <$> many p

-- | Spanish
es :: BCP47
es = mkLanguage ES

-- | English
en :: BCP47
en = mkLanguage EN

-- | Swahili
sw :: BCP47
sw = mkLanguage SW

-- | British English
enGB :: BCP47
enGB = mkLocalized EN unitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland

-- | American English
enUS :: BCP47
enUS = mkLocalized EN unitedStatesOfAmerica

-- | A nonsense tag @en-t-jp@
enTJP :: BCP47
enTJP = en
  { subtags = Set.insert (SpecifyExtension (Extension (pack "t-jp")))
    $ subtags en

-- | A nonsense tag @en-GB-t-jp@
enGBTJP :: BCP47
enGBTJP = enGB
  { subtags = Set.insert (SpecifyExtension (Extension (pack "t-jp")))
    $ subtags enGB